I have been coaching women for over 10 years now! When I began coaching I was teaching a prenatal/postnatal stroller fitness class
I am not a size 2 person, my genetics are definitely against me.… I’ve always struggled with staying fit and am the body type that simply LOOKS at a box of Ritz crackers and gets bloated! Even though it is a constant journey, I decided after having children that I would fight to stay healthy and fit not only to physically feel good in my skin, but to be the best version of me possible for my children. My goal is to inspire and motivate other women to do the same!
I have been coaching women for over 10 years now! When I began coaching I was teaching a prenatal/postnatal stroller fitness class. New Mommies would bring their babies and we would do exercises with the strollers and resistance bands. I noticed back then that many of the women were very quick to give up on the idea of ever wearing a bikini again, let alone feel sexy in their skin. They seemed to feel that taking care of themselves was not a priority anymore. They were now a “mom” and all their energy needed to go into their children. I’m here to tell you that IT IS OK TO GIVE YOURSELF TIME! In fact, it’s probably one of the best things you can do for your children! Giving yourself fitness goals and taking just one hour a day to work towards them will actually make you a much happier Mommy! It’s OK to do something for YOU! You deserve to feel your best!
After teaching stroller classes, I went on to become a personal trainer, CrossFit athlete and coach, and finally a competitive Bodybuilder. I have 8 NPC 1st and 2nd place trophies sitting proudly on my shelves at home along with an awesome OVERALL CHAMPION SWORD. I teach Bootycamp classes in Ventura, CA at Mavericks Gym. I have the experience and knowledge to help you change your body and reach your fitness goals. I am not a scary trainer who will make you do 1000 burpees and yell at you… no need to fear, I am your cheerleader! I want more than anything for you to succeed and feel your best. I can’t tell you the amount of times I have cried tears of joy seeing clients reach fitness and weight loss goals. It is my passion and it is what I truly love to do.